Spirituality in Counseling
Spiritual beliefs are now recognized to be a part of a person’s healthy coping skills, offering a social support system, the ability to find meaning and purpose in life, providing comfort in times of grief, and a strong ethical code. Incorporating spirituality in counseling positively affects healing, supports a sense of hope, and is a source of comfort along the way. Therapists may inquire about a client’s spiritual beliefs and encourage clients to connect with their spiritual communities. They may also point out areas where spiritual beliefs, practices or relationships seem to be causing, not relieving, unnecessary suffering or seem to contradict a value, goal or belief the client has expressed. Therapists are also able to assist clients seeking to clarify or discover their spiritual selves. This is not a matter of a therapist teaching a particular spiritual or religious model. Rather, the process of therapy involves the client in an ongoing inquiry into his or her own nature and their spiritual life.

Our mission is to be a compassionate place for hope and healing for all people in the North Texas area; and to contribute to the overall health and well-being of the community in which we work and live by providing the best care to every client through Christ-centered, integrated clinical practice and education.
Primary Value
We are a client-focused, Christ-centered organization that believes, with Divine intervention, the foundation of wholeness and healing can begin.
Core Principles
Kaleidoscope Counseling will become a part of the leading edge of conducting basic and clinical research programs to improve patient care and to benefit society.
Practice therapy as an integrated team of compassionate, multi-disciplinary clinicians who are focused on the needs of clients from our communities, regions, and the nation.
Mutual Respect
Everyone within our organization has a valuable role to carry out in the fulfillment of our mission; and will be committed to demonstrating both the highest level of professionalism toward one another and to treating everyone in our diverse community with respect and dignity.
Commitment to Quality
Continuously improve all processes that support client care, education and research.
To facilitate the prevention or resolution of emotional and behavioral difficulties with individuals and groups in a Christ-centered, safe and secure environment that nurtures inner healing and encourages optimal growth and development.
Therapy deals with the client’s emotions, senses, spirituality and thinking to help him or her understand what he or she is experiencing in his or her life.
Work Atmosphere
Foster teamwork, personal responsibility, integrity, innovation, trust and communication within the context of a clinician-led institution.
Allocate resources within the context of a system of care rather than its individual entities; Operate in a manner intended not to create wealth, but to provide a financial return sufficient for present and future needs.
Educate both internal and external clinicians, Christian leaders, physicians, scientists and allied health professionals and be a dependable source of health information for our clients and the public. To train the next generation of therapists through an on-going commitment and dedication to providing supervision to post-graduate professionals.
Societal Commitment
Benefit humanity through the highest of quality, Christ-centered client care, education and research; Support the communities in which we live and work; Serve appropriately clients in all financial circumstances.