Adult Counseling

One of the unique aspects of Kaleidoscope’s approach to therapy is a strong emphasis on individually customized treatments. During the initial consultation, you and your counselor discuss your background, your therapeutic concerns and goals, your schedule availability, and your financial resources. At the end of the consultation, you and your counselor agree on the best treatment plan, which may consist of one or more of the counseling formats. Before deciding on the best approach to therapy, your counselor also carefully considers your individual needs, wants, strengths and resources.

A main advantage to individual counseling is the way in which it facilitates a very intense personal relationship between you and the therapist. This allows you to explore and play out interpersonal patterns that may influence other close relationships throughout your life without the same complications that exist in friendships, family relationships and other significant interpersonal relationships.

benefits of adult therapy

Counseling helps you...

  • Explore, understand, and work through problems on a one-to-one basis
  • Find alternatives, expand choices and overcome obstacles that interfere with your personal development
  • Clarify and resolve personal problems and stabilize and enhance interpersonal relationships
  • Discover a sense of well-being
adult counseling, depression, anxiety, grief, anger

Personal Difficulties

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Recovery from Abuse and Trauma
  • Grief and Loss Issues
  • Disordered or Disruptive Eating Issues
  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Career Indecision or Confusion
adult counseling, interpersonal difficulties

Interpersonal Difficulties

  • Shyness
  • Romantic Relationship Concerns
  • Spouse Issues
  • Problems with Anger
  • Difficulty Keeping Friends
  • Family Conflicts

Why you should consider speaking with a therapist

Friends and family can be great sources of support, but disclosing vulnerable information can often result in feeling judged by the listening party. Avoid putting yourself in a position where you’re judged for something you’re going through. Prioritizing mental health promotes healthy self-care practices. Talking about your problems to a licensed professional without censoring any of the sensitive details can be liberating and cathartic. Therapy can widen your perspective on difficult situations and provide distance between you and your problem, helping to approach and eventually overcome the stressor impacting your wellbeing.